Photos alternate titles

tip 8 Photos in your media library should have an alternate text.   You can open a photo in your media library where you will see a line for alternative text.   This is an important ADA complaint feature.   People with vision problems...

Header email and telephone number

Tip 7 Some clubs have their contact telephone number and/or email address on the header top line of their website.   If you want your club’s information on the header, let us know.  We can add it for you.   Always make sure that it is...

Photo copyrights

Tip 6 Respect copyrights.  You cannot use a photo or cartoon you see on the internet without the owner’s permissions.   There are sites with copyright free (or subscription fees) that you can use. 

Missing Text update

Tip 5 If you are still not seeing text in your text module, sometime by opening it, closing it and then immediately opening it again will cause the text to show. 

Missing text in module

Tip 5 There have been some reports of people not seeing the contents of a text module, but the module shows the text on the website.   The IT department is aware of the problem and researching solutions.   In the meantime, I suggest that you...

The eyeball

Tip 3 The eyeball   When you use a module to the left of the “Save and Exit” you will see an icon that looks like an eyeball.  If you click it (takes a little time) you will see how your page looks on a computer screen, a tablet, and a cell phone. ...