Gene's Column

Tips, tricks and other things from our Volunteer Trainer Gene Mitofsky!

Updating Menus

Tip 14 If you have updated your menus and it works fine on every page except the HOME page then go to the HOME page and click UPDATE.   You do not have to change anything on the HOME page, just UPDATE.  Then when you view the HOME page, refresh the page and the updated MENU should appear.

If things don’t look right, clear your cache

Tip 13   If you have made an update or added something new and it looks fine when you preview it but doesn’t look right when you log off, here is a possibly solution.   Clear your browser cache (stored memory on some websites).   Check to see if your updates look ok on a different computer or with a different browser.   If it looks ok on a different source, then in your browser (Chrome) pull down the options under the 3 dots in the upper right corner.  Go to “more tools” and then select clear browsing data.   You can pick which data to clear, I usually pick the first 4 and do not clear passwords.  After clearing the cache see if your website is looking better.  

Problem Page not showing new information

Tip 12 We had a club, where the menu worked fine on every page except the Home page.   Solution – while logged in Admin, go to the home page and click “update” even though nothing has changed.  This solved the problem.  

Possible problem with Posts

Tip 11 – A few clubs are having problems with posts.   I recommend that you create a text module with the post information and if that works, trash the blog module which is having problems.   You can go to your post(s) copy the contents and then past them into a text module.
Other possible fixes include updating your last post and/or updating the blog module.  Sometimes duplicating (cloning) the blog module and if that works, trash the older blog module. 

Divider module custom color

Tip 10 To create a custom color divider…..

Step 1 – In a separate paint program, load the image with the color or pattern you want to “capture/clone”, or pick the  color/shade you want
Step 2 – Use the paint program to identify the exact color you want (most paint type programs have an “eye dropper” option to identify/clone a color
Step 3 – create new image, change to the color you identified RGB and fill the image with the color 
Step 4 – Save the image 

Step 5 – Load the image into your website’s Media/Library area
Step 6 – Go to the page that you want the divider, add a new row, then add the divider module
Step 6 – In the divider module, expand the “background” option
Step 7 – the 3rd icon is add an image, (from you media/library, click on the color image that you loaded)
Step 8 – in the Admin label name your module
Step 9 – Update the web page
(you can adjust the width and height of the divider if you want)

MAC computer issue

tip 9 If you use a MAC computer and are having trouble logging into you site, use the Firefox browser.  You can use Chrome also.   Some users have had trouble with the Safari browser.   If you don’t have Firefox you’ll have to download it, at no cost.

Photos alternate titles

tip 8 Photos in your media library should have an alternate text.   You can open a photo in your media library where you will see a line for alternative text.   This is an important ADA complaint feature.   People with vision problems sometimes you mechanical optical readers.  Since they cannot “see” the photo, the reader will show or say a description of the photo. 

Header email and telephone number

Tip 7 Some clubs have their contact telephone number and/or email address on the header top line of their website.   If you want your club’s information on the header, let us know.  We can add it for you.   Always make sure that it is first approved by your club president.

Photo copyrights

Tip 6 Respect copyrights.  You cannot use a photo or cartoon you see on the internet without the owner’s permissions.   There are sites with copyright free (or subscription fees) that you can use. 

Missing Text update

Tip 5 If you are still not seeing text in your text module, sometime by opening it, closing it and then immediately opening it again will cause the text to show. 

Missing text in module

Tip 5 There have been some reports of people not seeing the contents of a text module, but the module shows the text on the website.   The IT department is aware of the problem and researching solutions.   In the meantime, I suggest that you highlight and copy the text from the website, then open a new text module and paste in the text.  Preview the page and if both texts appear.  If they both appear then delete the problem module and keep new module.

The eyeball

Tip 3 The eyeball   When you use a module to the left of the “Save and Exit” you will see an icon that looks like an eyeball.  If you click it (takes a little time) you will see how your page looks on a computer screen, a tablet, and a cell phone.  This can be handy specially to see how a photo will look. 

Also, always remember to name you module.  At the bottom where is says “Admin label” leave the type of module but add a short description.  By doing this you can easily find the module you need from among many on a page.