login help and what not to click

Tip 2 If you are having trouble logging into your sign from the regular log in, try going to your site’s,  URL (address)  add to your URL yourclub.scwclubs.com/wp-admin  This will take you to the login. Be careful, because we are using a “package”...

Post Meetings and Single Space text

Tip 1I will be posting tips and suggestions at least twice a month.   Please check this site often for the latest news and tips. Did you know… that hitting the enter and shift key will allow you to single space.   POST YOUR GENERAL MEETINGS and...

Introducing Gene Mitofsky

It is my pleasure to introduce Gene Mitofsky our Volunteer SCWClubs.com Website Trainer.  Gene has graciously agreed to write a column for our Content Manager Communications Website which will include tips, tricks and other tidbits of knowledge to share with both...